I went to Bath and Bristol this week as my brother moved to Bath.
I cannot believe that I have bought comestic stuff from Primark again. However, I found them as bargin...(although I should also cut down the amount of stuff that I bought from Primark, as every penny counts =.=///)
The Primark in Bristol is shocking. It was relatively empty on a weekend morning, while the one in March Arch is pack 24-7. It is so lovely to shop here as you dont need to hunt and try to avoid other shoppers.
So I bought 3 things from the new range, here they are:
1 Happy Couple - duo bronzer & blusher
From its look, it looks like things from benefit, with the paper box packing and the drawing/picture on the cover. When I open it, it is exactly looks like the Benefit one, with the mini brush. But the colour is more like the one I was thinking of buying on e.l.f. (which is the one that looks like Nars, I heard)

2 Ta ta for now - undereye cooncealer
The only colour left in Bristol is light, so it wasnt as good as it might be, as I think i need a medium rather than light. Anyway, it is a cheap dupe of the YSL famous highlighter/concealer pen in pink plastic tube. The concealer itself is quite thin, so quite easy to blend around. It isnt too dry compare with my dior concealer, it is even rather moistursing, though the ability of concealing is low.
The brush is soft. The ONLY 1 PROBLEM is that it take ages to press out the concealer sometimes. I tried a few times, sometimes, 1 click can press out the concealer, but other times, at least 2-4 click, a bit annoying.
3. 9 1/2 winks -Extreme Falsh Lash Mascara
For £2.50, it is really a bargin and this is the only one I really recomment to buy and try out. (although the eyebrow kit is nice, it doesnt show any siginificant difference other than the price)
The only 1 downfall is that it isn't waterproof, and it does not able to last long, so I need to put an extra layer of coating... but I am not sure which coating is good in the market though... sigh
So what should I try next?