Anyway, it's no harm to at least try to start this.
So I will write about 5 hair dyes that I like as a start and build onto other products.
I normally dye my hair every 3months or so, so since age 13, I have used a fair amount of hair dye. lol. For hair dye, one of the key thing is the hair colour before you start. If your hair is dark, it is hard to dye in light colour. Oppositely, if you hair is light, it is easy to dye whatever colour you like. Also, after care is essential as it is the key to keep the colour... which I didn't realise till quite late in my 'dye-ing' history.
I have already used 4 box of Schwarzkopf Live Color XXL, and there's a strong love/hate relationship. @.@
- a dramatic range available
- not expensive
- long lasting colour
- strong dye, good for dark, thick hair which I have
- very concentrate, I even have accidentally dye my skin badly last time.
- smells quite strong
- require 30 mins, which I consider time consuming!
- took a long time to wash it off and colour pigment fall off within the first few wash
I have used the 2 purple and I just did my blue today and I really likes it. I will upload some photos of the blue later on, if I managed to capture a few good ones.

Cosmetic Blue:
This is my current colour. As my hair is reddish purple brown, so the blue covers the brown nicely. It looks exactly like the cover. I have used this when I was younger, but the blue didn't shown up as my hair was black. This can only be used if you hair is quite light in colour.

Cyber Purple:
I have this previously. But I don't like the colour as it is in red tone, which makes me looks yellow. Furthermore, if you have brown tone colour hair, the redness of the purple is even more visible. Compare with this, I much prefer the mystic violet.

Mystic Violet:
This is my favourite! I think this is the only brand that do this purple in Boots & Superdrugs, so highly recommended if you want to DIY purple hair at home! The purple is exactly what I want, but the only down fall is I have to pre-dye my hair to a lighter, sandy tone as I don't think I can dye this with my natural hair colour, which is black.
This is the mystic violet that I used 2 year ago, and I really like it.
This is the cyber purple. Sorry that I looks so spooky, but it was far too sunny for my taste when I took this. Think it is one of the better photo as you can see the blend of red, brown and purple.
So what do you think??